Roses, with their captivating scent and lush petals, turn any garden into a fragrant sanctuary. Their timeless beauty and rich aroma provide a luxurious, sensory experience.
A beauty, blooms, and a sweet, subtle fragrance. Ideal for home gardens, it adds a splash of color while attracting pollinators, making perfect beauty and biodiversity.
A one of the most fragrant flowers, producing one of the most beloved scents in the garden world. Fall or spring is the best time to plant this shrub in warmer climates.
A star-shaped blooms and intoxicating fragrance. This evergreen climber thrives in warm climates, filling the air with a sweet, romantic aroma.
Harsingar, Night-blooming, enchants with its delicate, fragrant blooms that release a sweet, captivating scent at dusk.
Champa flowers, with their exotic fragrance and creamy petals, bring a touch of tropical elegance and tranquility to any garden.
Rajnigandha or Tuberose has a honey-like fill in the air with a sweet, lingering scent, creating a serene atmosphere.